Fathering Sons
A Modern Initiation Rite to Bestowing Sonship
Initiation Begins Here
Imagine being in your twenties, early in your married life: you’re in a hospital, out comes a baby, your child. As you hold your son, he looks at you with eyes that say “what do we do now?” And you think to yourself, “I have no idea. But I know I need to find out.”
For many of us men, this is our experience of becoming a father - we feel inadequate and overwhelmed. The Good News is God wants to rescue fatherhood. I’m not saying that this book has all the answers, rather, it is an authentic and field tested guide offering a place to start, a way forward in hope, especially if you feel as inadequate as I did.
There is a journey of rediscovering what the ancients knew - and returning to a way of raising sons in order to prepare them to step up into the ranks of men - men whose identity rests in the truth that they are sons of a Good Good Father. Somewhere along the way we lost this wisdom. But it is time to get it back. These are my field notes on a modern day approach in developing your initiation rite for your sons into Christian manhood, and discovering God’s delight in you as a father along the way. Enjoy.
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There is no beginning or end, only updates and reminders to the risk of receiving and bestowing sonship.